Hooray, we follow you! (6-10)

About children's right to unprotected spaces | An intergenerational nature-art workshop | Dieser Workshop für 6-10jährige Kinder und Erwachsene findet draußen statt. This workshop for 6-10 year old children and adults...[more]
Backyard Stories (4+)

Short film series for all ages 4 and up | Inback Company (Deutschland) | Episode 1 "Der Hinterhof" - Youtube-Link | Episode 2 "Rücken an Rücken" - Youtube-Link | Episode 3 "Der richtige Moment"...[more]
Flip-Flop (2+)

Dance performance | Nasheeka Nedsreal & Theater o.N. (Germany) | What could be more magical than letting your imagination run wild? You may not remember it, but there was a moment in our lives when everything was new and...[more]
Bubbles (2-10)
![[Translate to English:] Eine Kugelförmige Vase gefüllt mit Wasser, das Gesicht einer dahinter stehenden Person wird optisch verzerrt, links und rechts von der Vase zwei weitere Personen: eine hält ihr Ohr an die Vase, die zweite bläst Luftblasen mithilfe eines Strohhalmes ins Wasser](/typo3temp/_processed_/e/d/csm_Bubbles_GP_martinkoos-15_20097b6467.jpg)
A watery-musical performance | Theater o.N. (Germany) | You can feel water, of course: It’s wet! Sometimes it’s pleasantly warm, like in the bathtub, sometimes ice-cold like the sea in June. But can you hear it, too? Actress...[more]

A dance piece | Isabelle Schad & Offensive Tanz für junges Publikum (Germany) | How does a willow stick sound? How does it feel in the hand? What is the difference between the big and the small sticks? Between the brown and...[more]
fragile (3+)

Performance | Offensive Tanz für junges Publikum & Clébio Oliveira (Germany) | Big and strong, at last – how amazing we imaged adulthood to be when we were children! But what is that even supposed to mean, to be big and...[more]
BOKS (1½+)

Theater with dance | De Spiegel (Belgium) | A small space. A longing for the other. Clashing. Exploding. Tension fills the box. Resentful jostling. Animated laughter. BOKS tells about searching for each other, getting to know...[more]
Diorama (4+)

Object theater | Hanafubuki (Belgium) | Diorama invites spectators to go on a visual, poetic, and fantastical journey. In this show for children ages 4 and up, a wooden mini theater is used to place objects in a way that new...[more]

Performance | KiNiNso Koncepts (Nigeria) | People attach negative or separatist meanings to colours, they refer to others based on their skin colour – black, white, red, coloured… Sad about the many forms of colour...[more]
TAH DAM! (2+)

Music and dance performance | MusicDance Cape Town (South Africa) | TAH DAM! is a music and dance performance for children and their families. The show includes music from African and Western traditions, and has many...[more]